Wednesday, 1 August 2007

The Ant Hill Mob

Yesterday we walked along the canal. Went quite far actually. On the way back we decided to sit on the edge of the water on some lush-looking grass. Everything seemed nice; the sun was beaming down its lightwaves, the ducks were happily floating by, and it wasn't until about thirty seconds later I looked down and saw my jeans and trainers were covered in ants. About a hundred of them running up and down my legs and over my Converse. Well, it was pretty lucky no one was walking past at that point because I made like Colin Jackson and jumped. I must have looked like a coma victim stood up and zapped with a cattle-rod (to quote Mark off Peep Show). My legs were flailing like Jacko in his heyday. Took Suzy another ten seconds to realise what was going on. Sitting on an ant hill is not a good idea and shouldn't be attempted by anyone without prior precaution.

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